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Cookie policy Aboutimage - Sportimage

On June 1, 2012, the new telecom law came into effect. This law obliges every website to report the use of cookies. 
Also our websites (https://www.aboutimage.beand  use cookies.


What are Cookies?

Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer to remember your preferences when you surf. 
Cookies never store personal data such as your name, address, age or other characteristics. Only your preferences and interests based on your surfing behavior are saved.

The use of cookies is safe. We think it is very important that you know which cookies our website uses and for what purposes they are used. We want to guarantee both your privacy and the user-friendliness of our website as much as possible. 

Below you can read more about the cookies that are used by and via our website and for what purposes.


Which cookies does this site use?

The following cookies are used on this website:

  • Functional cookies
    These cookies are necessary to allow you to surf  properly on the website. They enable you to navigate the website and use the website's functions. Functional cookies also increase the user-friendliness of the website by remembering your choices (e.g. language preference).

  • Performance cookies
    With performance cookies we collect anonymous data about the use  of this website. This anonymized data includes the number of visitors, the time they spend on a web page, error messages and how they arrived at our site. We use Google Analytics for this.
    Statistics are made from the collected information. These statistics give us a crucial insight into the use of the website and enable us to make the structure, navigation and content as user-friendly as possible for you. The statistics and other reports are always anonymous and are never traced back to individual persons.

  • Advertising cookies
    With the Facebook Conversion Pixel, we register purchasing behavior after viewing a ad in Facebook. This cookie ensures that we can monitor and adjust our Facebook advertisements. This information is not stored with us in any way, only added to the Facebook profile of the user.

  • Other cookies
    Due to the way the internet and websites work, we may not always have insight into the cookies that are placed by third parties via our website. This is especially the case if our web pages contain so-called embedded elements ; these are texts, documents, images or videos that are stored with another party, but that are shown on, in or via our website.
    If you encounter cookies on this website that fall into this category and that we have not mentioned above, please let us know. Or contact the third party directly and ask which cookies they have placed, what the reason is and how they have guaranteed your privacy.


Links to other websites

On the website you will find a number of links to other websites. 
Although these websites have been selected with care, we  bear no responsibility with regard to the use of your data by those organizations. Read the privacy statement, if available, of the website you visit.

How can you manage your cookies?

Most browsers accept automatically cookies. 

If you do not want websites to place cookies on your computer, you can adjust your browser settings so that you receive a warning before cookies are placed. You can also adjust the settings so that your browser refuses all cookies cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ (or only the cookies of third parties). You can also remove cookies  that have already been placed. Please note that you have to adjust the settings separately for each browser and computer you use.

Be aware that if you do not want cookies, we can no longer guarantee that our website will work properly. You may lose some of the site's features or even stop seeing certain websites altogether. 


How you can adjust your settings differs per browser. If necessary, consult your browser's help function :




We will have to adjust this statement from time to time, for example because our website or the rules regarding cookies change. We may change the content of the statements and cookies at any time and without prior notice. You can consult this web page for the latest version.

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